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Any press is hard to come by, and I don't spend that much time trying to find it, but I'll do my best at getting what I can on here, like reviews and interviews.


1) You recently moved from Ohio, to "The Sunshine State", how do you like it down here compared to up there?

I think it's okay here. I've noticed that the people are a little happier. (laughs) Up north everyone is bitter as hell. But, I can tell already that I'm gonna miss the Fall. I thrive on September through November. Eventually, I'll have to head back up north. Not in the near future though.

2) Did you have any particular reasons for leaving?

Things up there were getting real dead. The music scene has been non-existent for years now. Pittsburgh used to be the scene, but not anymore. It's all the same washed up cock-rock bands playing the same shitty holes and that's all anyone wants. Then you got all the businesses closing up and the area is just dying out. It was time to run.

3) That brings me to my next question...Why did you leave Hallowmas?

I had no choice. Drew Blood exited the band in July of 2005, right before the release of "The Road To Hallow's Eve." Musicians are impossible to find up there, so I knew I'd never get a serious guy in there quick enough to go out and support the new release. And we never did find anyone. Things were at an all-time low. When 2006 hit I just packed up and left. Damien and Johnny stayed in Ohio. Johnny has solid roots there, but Damien has been expressing interest in coming down here. We'll see.

4) When and why did you split from your record label, "Coffin Records"?

I split with Coffin Records in March of this year. It was a mutual agreement, seriously. Coffin Records was having trouble marketing us. Hallowmas was having trouble getting out steadily because of the drummer problems. Both the lable and the band were getting hurt, so we decided that it was best to split.

5) You also ventured out into a solo path and released another great disc of tunes titled, "Season of Death: The Last Halloween", out on Pagan Club Records. What was your reason for wanting to put out a solo disc?

Hallowmas was going to do the Kiss thing....we were all going to release a solo disc to be sold exclusively at our shows. No one really got going on theirs except me, and when things got really slow for Hallowmas I turned my full attention to it.

6) Also, you do EVERYTHING on that release. Was that by personal choice? Or could you find no one to fulfill your needs to play with you?

It was something that I wanted to do by myself. At first, I entertained the thought of having other musicians play on certain songs here and there, but realized how much longer it would take to organize that. Musicians are hard to work with. (laughs) So, I got in the studio and started pounding away. One month later I had 26 tracks for the release.

7) The tracks are very unique, very dark and brooding. What mind set did you go into when recording these tracks so that they didn't end up sounding like a Hallowmas song?

I write with a formula alot. With Hallowmas, I use alot of poppy set ups and commercial appeal disguised as abrasive music. Writting the solo material was very easy because it was September when I started on it, and being a practicing Pagan, I poured all of the energy and electricity of that time of year and the coming Harvest season into that album. And I really set out to show people that Paganism isn't a dark and evil thing. People are evil, not religions. So, with the album, the music is dark. But if you get in there and read the lyrics you'll find that it's not blood and guts, fire and brimstone, and killing. It's dominantly Earth worship and some voodoo. I really think it comes across too.

8) Which do you like more? Being a solo artist or being in a band?

I enjoy being in a band more. I'm not the kind of person that refuses to deviate from a vision. I'd rather work off of other musicians and bring my songs to them and let them work their magic with it. Alot of the time they add things and spawn ideas that otherwise you wouldn't have thought of. So, when I write a song for a band that I'm in it's always just a template. Then, it goes to rehearsals and each member works with me on what they feel should be their interpretation of it. With a solo project, first and foremost there's always the fear of being viewed as egotistical. And, honestly, it's not as rewarding for me. I like having the gang around. The boys club. (laughs)

9) Do you see Hallowmas reforming in the near future? Or are you gonna stay solo for a bit?

For right now I'll continue pushing the solo project. But if I can pick up some guys down here I'll be taking it out to people. As for Hallowmas? I'd like to say that if Damien moves down here then Hallowmas will be back. Hallowmas was the best vision that I've ever worked with and had the most potential for growth. I'd love to continue with it. But there's alot riding on that, so you never know what could happen.

10) Which brings me to my next question, there is a finished Hallowmas album, which would have been the next full length from the band. Will that ever see the light of day through another record company, or through your Pagan Club Records at least?

Yes. There are 18 tracks finished and ready to roll. There are some great songs in the mix too. I really feel that this was our opus, so to speak. We put alot of time and creativity into this one. I made sure that we did some things that we haven't done with other releases. The guitar work is alot different with this stuff. I did alot of different things with my vocals as well. I don't think that I'd want to put it out on Pagan Club records because there's no distribution there. I talked with Coffin Records last week and they actually expressed some interest about maybe doing something with it. Again, with the industry, you never know.

11) Is it true that you're doing the music and fx for Rue Morgue Radio? If so, how did that come about?

Tomb Dragomir is a good friend of mine. He hosts Rue Morgue Radio and also writes reviews in Rue Morgue magazine. When they were really starting to get the radio thing going I wrote a theme song and just sent it to him, no strings attached. He loved it and they used it right away. He recently extended an open invitation to do some instrumental music, background sounds, and stuff like that for the show. So, I'll be working on that little by little. It's a great show. I recomend that any horror fan go to the site and listen.

12) What about your next solo release? When will we be seeing that?

It may be a while. I've got some things to do in the studio first. But I have been thinking about it. The Hallowmas discs were coming out left and right because it was written in abundance. So we could release CDs all the time. With the solo stuff it takes a little longer. Plus, another solo would have to be in a different vein. So, I'd have to hash that out. It could be happening at the end of this year or early 2007.

13) Last but not least....What's next for Boris Randall: Graveyard Crooner?

I've got a project that I'm hitting in the studio. It's been elaborated on at my website. And I'll be busy doing the Rue Morgue Radio thing. I'm very excited about that. And in the back of my mind I'm always thinking about Hallowmas and playing with a band.

Thank you Boris for your time...until next time....keep the dead warm and the living scared.

Thank you. Your interviews always rule.

Fans of the Ohio band, Hallowmas, will be very excited to hear that lead screamer Boris Randall, will soon be releasing his first solo album! The disc is entitled Season Of Death: The Last Halloween. The album is crammed with twenty-three tunes about Paganism, Demons, the sweetest visions of hell and then some other interesting ritualistic stuff. What intrigues me the most about this disc is that Randall plays all the instruments himself. Personally, I really appreciate this, considering that when most lead vocalists step out from behind a very successful band, they have an all new line-up to back them. Not Randall, he's all about doing it himself. In this stale Horror Rock scene we are seeing as of late, I'd like to think of this as being innovative and non-conforming. Another thing that amuses me greatly and keeps me borderline fanatical about this release is that as of right now, there will only be fifty copies of the cd pressed! Like I've said, Season Of Death: The Last Halloween is a very long album, sixty-three minutes to be exact, but it's not a bad thing, it's actually AWESOME! Shamefully, there are times when I have a hard time taking it all in emotionally due to the lyrical content as I don't know anything about Paganism, The Burning Times or stuff of this nature. Then again, I don't know anything about killing and mutilation yet I love Death Metal, get what I'm saying?

Music-wise this cd couldn't get any better. Randall has really stepped up and shown what he is all about in every aspect. Note: this album isn't limited to Horror Rock or Punk for that matter. More or less, it's Death Rock laced with enough dynamite to make you go BOOM after the initial lines of the first tune, "The Witches Wheel". Randall does wear his influences on his sleeve a good bit, although it's not exactly what you'd expect. Bauhaus, The Doors and Samhain, are all artist that quickly come to mind when listening to this cd; it encompasses the deepness of Bauhaus and The Doors while achieving and harnessing the aggression and brute strength that was Samhain. The tune "In Flames" gives me a feeling like I had when I first heard the November's Coming Fire disc. It's dark, hazy and features a ton of great guitar riffs and melody lines. "Candlemas (Black Shadows)" is another splendid tune dripping with addictive riffs and vocal stylings. Randall, slows the pace down almost to a screeching halt on "Waiting On The Hand Of Death", a brooding Death ballad of sorts that spins an unforgettable web of forbidden bliss. Those who are familiar with Randall's band, Hallowmas, may identify with the intro to "Hallowtide". In a strange and almost unknown way it sounds like the intro to "The Hanging Girl". In the breakdown there seems to be a chant of sorts that I cannot get out of my head for anything, maybe it's subliminal, either way it's good stuff! I also get the same feeling with the track "Embrace The Embers" only without the chants. The tempo of this track is mid-paced and holds up fairly well, while the chord progressions are the backbone of the track. The crooning vocals seal the deal for me, Randall's voice is angelic-like in a ghostly way.

Season Of Death is chocked full of many more excellent tunes deserving of an honorable mention; "Sin Again", "Become The Night" and "Brand The Witches" are just a few of them and last but not least, "Broken Wing". This song is worth the price of the cd alone; the lyrics are heartwarming, the music is breathtaking and the vocals break all boundaries of human expectation. At times it feels like an old, kindred spirit takes over my being. This is nothing new, Boris Randall has always had the ability to write songs that have this affect on the listener. This cd has been a blast and I cannot for the life of me see how one could go without it in their collection. I strongly suggest you check it out, only fifty are being pressed! There could very well be a chance that once they're gone they're gone for good! Don't miss out....pre-orders are being taken now.

 Fuck yes!! Got my disc in the mail today and let me tell ya everyone, some of the "greatest cds of the year", wish they sounded HALF as good as this amazing album. Not a boring track on here, clocking in at an hour (which, for ANY cd, to be over 40mins, and NOT get boring or repetitious is AMAZING). If you're reading this, you need to pick a copy up. Great lyrics, an even better voice, and it truly is a SOLO album! This fucken guy does it all by himself! Alright I'm done, I'm off to listen to "Sin Again"..PIECE!  -Alberto Giovannelli, Kissimmee, Florida
FUCKING AWESOME!! Thats really all that I can say about "Season of Death." Thanks a shitload for letting me know to pre-order a copy.  -Jake Arnett, Ohio
Let darkness consume the earth with the release of Boris Randall's solo album!
-Ephram Frazier, Marietta, Ohio
Goddamn, This is gonna SLAY!!!!! I am on pins and needles awaiting it's arrival. The track listing is beautiful. Keep up the good work B!  -Black Angel, Black Angel Promotions, La Grange, Georgia
Got the Cd yesterday and it RULES! Thanks man!  -Raveger Of Nuns, St. Louis
